How many times have you been on the bus, hoping for a nice peaceful ride to your ultimate destimation, and it starts.

The bell which tells the driver that you would like to get off starts it’s one note musical solo.

“Stop ringing that f**king bell!”

Even as the doors are closing at the previous stop. the bell starts ringing as some impatient twat must always ring the bell before anyone else has a chance.

Now we all know that once the bell has been rung, the indicator boards around the bus show the ‘Bus Stopping’ sign. But even that isn’t enough, as within twenty seconds someone is bound to ring the blasted bell again.

And then the resident childus ignoramus has to have his go at ringing the bell. Then because he has, so must some other dickus kidus have a ring.

Then all of a sudden some wally who has had his head full of the music he has to share with everyone, (if they wanted to hear it or not, because his personal headphones aren’t working fully, because the music certainly isn’t personal to him) raises his head out of his telephone game, realises that this will be his stop, and rings that damn bell.

The bus stops, one dinging rabble debus making room for fresh one-note campanologists, and the whole routine starts again, and again, and again, for the whole journey. I really do feel sorry for the driver. It’s not surprising that some drivers have disconnected that bell!

When will TFL (Transport Favours Lug-oles) find a way to cancel out the bell after the first ring? It’s that simple!

Ding Ding!

“The bells, the bells, they deafen me!”

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